A Year of Outstanding Achievements for ENCQOR 5G Despite a Difficult Context

General Manager
Despite the challenges and constraints posed by the pandemic, I am particularly proud of the progress that ENCQOR 5G made in 2020, thanks to the sustained commitment of SMEs and the unwavering support of all our partners. I am thinking here of our founding partners, CGI, Ciena, Ericsson, IBM and Thales; the governments of Canada, Quebec and Ontario; our strategic partners, particularly in the telecommunications sector; our many partners in the academic community; and our partners responsible for mobilizing SMEs, namely Prompt and Adriq in Quebec and OCE in Ontario.
SMEs from a wide variety of sectors involved in ENCQOR 5G
Throughout the year 2020, ENCQOR 5G was able to count on a sustained and growing commitment from SMEs and companies in Quebec and Ontario. The work carried out by these participants covers a multitude of 5G application fields, including health, augmented reality, multimedia and entertainment, agriculture, advanced manufacturing, energy and smart cities.
Our founding partners, who collectively draw on the expertise and know-how of some 1,800 top-level experts and academic research institutions in Quebec and Ontario, have also done considerable development work in various specialized niches applicable to 5G such as artificial intelligence, networking, cloud computing, optics-photonics, cybersecurity and the Internet of Things to name a few. that will make it possible to take advantage of 5G's full potential in the future.
I would like to take this opportunity at the beginning of 2021 to thank the SMEs and all our partners for their creativity and active participation in building an innovative 5G ecosystem in Canada.
Your commitment allows me to look forward to the year ahead with confidence and optimism, despite the ever-present challenges. I have no doubt that together we will continue to innovate and contribute to Canada's future prosperity and quality of life.
Happy New Year 2021 to all!